Renowned poet and storyteller Ashish Bagrecha is all set to mesmerize audiences once again with his latest offering, “Sab Theek Ho Jayega.” Following the resounding success of his previous show, “Pyar, Umeed Aur Roshni,” Bagrecha returns with a fresh blend of poetry, humor, and storytelling that promises to captivate hearts and uplift spirits.
Event Details
- Event Name: Sab Theek Ho Jayega By Ashish Bagrecha
- Location: Ahmedabad
- Date: Sun 11 Feb 2024 – Sun 31 Mar 2024
- Duration: 1hr 30mins
- Age Limit: 12yrs +
- Language: Hindi
- Type: Stand up Comedy
Bagrecha, known for his soul-stirring poetry and insightful narratives, invites audiences on a journey of introspection and laughter. With his unique style and profound words, he tackles life’s challenges with optimism and wit, reassuring audiences that everything will be alright.
Ticket Prices
SILVER | ₹ 499 |
GOLD | ₹ 799 |
PLATINUM | ₹ 999 |
Ticket Purchase Site
Sab Theek Ho Jayega By Ashish Bagrecha purchasing tickets online. Visit the official ticketing site:
How to Book Your Tickets for “Sab Theek Ho Jayega” by Ashish Bagrecha
- Visit the BookMyShow event page.
- Choose the date you want to attend.
- Select the ticket category (Silver, Gold, or Platinum).
- Add the desired number of tickets to your cart.
- Review your order and proceed to checkout.
- Sign in or create a BookMyShow account.
- Choose your payment method and complete the transaction.
- You’ll receive a confirmation email or SMS with your ticket details.
H.K. College, Vishalpur, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380006, India
A: The show has a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
A: Yes, the show is suitable for individuals aged 12 years and above.
A: The show will be conducted in Hindi.
A: “Sab Theek Ho Jayega” is a stand-up comedy show infused with poetry and storytelling.
A: Merchandise availability may vary. Check with event organizers or venue staff for more information.