In the heart of Bengaluru, amidst the vibrant cultural scene, a comedic spectacle is set to unfold at the Good Shepherd Auditorium. “Vikkals of Vikram,” a humorous play, explores the journey of a middle-class Tamil boy navigating the stark differences between the rules of his home and the dynamic world outside. This coming-of-age comedy promises laughter, reflection, and a delightful experience for those aged 18 and above.
Event Details
- Event Name: Vikkals of Vikram
- Location: Good Shepherd Auditorium, Bengaluru
- Date: Saturday, January 6, 2024
- Time: 7:30 PM
- Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
- Age Group: 18+
- Type: Comedy
- Language: Tamil, English
- Ticket Price: ₹400 Onwards
Ticket Purchase
Secure your seat for an evening of laughter and relatable anecdotes by purchasing your tickets online.
How To Purchase Ticket Online Steps
Purchasing tickets online for “Vikkals of Vikram” is a simple and convenient process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you secure your seat for this hilarious comedy
Visit the Booking Page: Go to the official BookMyShow page for “Vikkals of Vikram” here.
Choose Date and Time: Pick the date (January 6, 2024) and time (7:30 PM) for the show.
Select Seats: Choose your preferred seating section based on your budget.
Make Payment: Enter your payment details and complete the purchase.
Review and Confirm: Check your selected details and confirm the purchase.
Receive Confirmation: Get a confirmation message on the website and an email with your e-ticket.
Access E-Ticket: Download the e-ticket from the email or your BookMyShow account.
Show E-Ticket at the Venue: Present the e-ticket (printed or on your phone) at the Good Shepherd Auditorium entrance for entry.
Museum Road, Opposite Patricks Church, Shanthala Nagar, Richmond Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560025, India
The show is suitable for individuals aged 18 and above.
“Vikkals of Vikram” has a runtime of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The comedy will be presented in a blend of Tamil and English, offering a diverse linguistic experience