The enchanting world of Rudyard Kipling’s timeless classic, “The Jungle Book,” comes alive on stage in a brand new musical production – a captivating spectacle that promises to be a treat for audiences of all ages. From the makers of the acclaimed “Madagascar – A Musical Adventure,” this musical extravaganza is set to grace the stage at the Kala Mandir Auditorium in Kolkata, promising an evening filled with music, magic, and the beloved characters from the jungle.
Event Details
- Event Name: The Jungle Book
- Location: Kala Mandir Auditorium, Kolkata
- Produced by: Jiji Subi
- Directed by: Vishaal Asrani & Sarosh Nanavaty
- Date: Friday, January 26, 2024
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Age Recommendation: 3+
- Type: Musical
- Language: English
- Ticket Price: ₹800 Onwards
Ticket Purchase
Tickets for this musical extravaganza can be conveniently purchased online.
How To Purchase Ticket Online Steps
Purchasing tickets online for “The Jungle Book” musical is a simple and convenient process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to secure your seats for this enchanting performance
Step 1: Go to the Website: Visit BookMyShow or the official event page.
Step 2: Pick Date and Time: Choose the date and time for the musical from the options provided.
Step 3: Select Your Seats: Click on your preferred seats on the seating chart displayed.
Step 4: Add Tickets to Cart: Once you’ve chosen your seats, add them to your online shopping cart.
Step 5: Review Your Order: Check your order to make sure you have the right date, time, and number of tickets.
Step 6: Log In or Sign Up: If you have an account, log in. If not, sign up using your email.
Step 7: Provide Contact Info: Enter your name, phone number, and email for ticket delivery and updates.
Step 8: Pay for Tickets: Choose your payment method (credit/debit card, etc.) and complete the transaction.
Step 9: Check Confirmation Email: Look for a confirmation email with your e-tickets; this is your proof of purchase.
Step 10: Get Your Tickets: Depending on the event, either use the e-tickets on your phone or collect physical tickets at the venue.
Enjoy “The Jungle Book” musical on the selected date!
48, Shakespeare Sarani Rd, Elgin, Kolkata, West Bengal 700017
Yes, the musical is recommended for ages 3 and above, making it a family-friendly experience.
Yes, the musical is recommended for ages 3 and above, making it a family-friendly experience.
Please check with the venue for parking facilities or consider alternative transportation options.
It is advisable to book your tickets in advance online to secure your preferred seats. However, if available, tickets may be purchased at the venue on the event day.
The musical has a duration of 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Ticket prices start from ₹800 onwards. The actual cost may vary based on seating preferences and any additional packages.